Sunday, February 21, 2016

Today we will give out more than 200 Bibles during 2016!  Pastor Lucson is working tirelessly with us to help us reach our goal of handing out 800 Bibles this year!

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Coffee cozies handmade in Haiti by Haitians!!!

Burning IF into a coconut button for IF bracelets for a group that will be participating in the IF: Gathering this February, 2016!

Future Hope is so excited to be creating IF bracelets for two churches for the 2016 IF:Gathering conference this February!

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Future Hope's Core Values:

Our core values of faithful work, loving deeds, and enduring hope because of our Lord Jesus Christ (I Thessalonians 1:3) define not only what we desire to become, but also they are what motivate and encourage us to do what we do knowing that God loves us and has chosen us to be His people (I Thessalonians 1:4)  Together, they represent a HOPE and a FUTURE.  This is our prayer for all involved in Future Hope.

Faithful Work: We desire to honor God in all areas including honesty, integrity, and fairness.  This means we will work hard and pay fairly as partners with our brothers and sisters in Christ.   That whatever we do, we work as working for the Lord, not man. (Colossians 3:23)

Loving Deeds: This is loving, serving, and giving to others as Jesus does.  This includes grace, forgiveness and mercy.  That we will seek justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God. (Micah 6:8)

Enduring Hope:  Hope from the truth that only comes through Jesus Christ~ belief and acceptance of Him.  In Future Hope this means teaching about Christ and learning more about Him through prayer, scripture memorization, and studying His Word. (Psalm 62:5)

Friday, November 7, 2014

So far this year we have planted 80 coconut trees with 13 different farmers.  
These trees will provide coconuts for the families and for Future Hope.  

Monday, October 20, 2014

Can you get my 2 year old into the orphanage?  This question was posed to me by a young, single Haitian mom that was having a difficult time trying to finish high school and feed and take care of her 2 year old boy.  My heart sank.  I asked her how else we could help.  Could we rent a room for her?  What could we do to help her keep her child with her and not in the orphanage that has over 100 children?

Because of this young lady, who did eventually end up putting her two year old in the orphanage, I gained a burning desire to help keep children with their parents.  What would that entail?  They would need to have an income.  They would need to have training in loving and disciplining their children.  They may need child care.  How could we provide all of that?

Then, Katie called from Wichita. She had a dream to start an artisan group.  Her dream was to help the children that are too old to stay at the orphanage find a way to earn a living.  She would sell items made here in Haiti.  The Lord had set in motion a desire in each of us that would grow each month; a desire to help "the least of these".

We didn't know where to start, but the advice was, just start.  I bought a book about how to make bracelets from coconut leaves.  In May, two boys started making bracelets.  By the beginning of June we had our first order for a dozen!  In July, 5 boys started making cards, using banana leaves for the designs.  In September 2014, Katie mailed the paperwork to become a legal non-profit.

We are just beginning, but we can see that the Lord is leading this endeavor.  He is showing us each step to take, and we are just along for the ride.  I hope you enjoy watching what God is going to do here in Mirebalais, Haiti!